Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Forget- Me- Nots...

A single stem of a forget-me-not stands tall. I do believe this is my favorite little flower!
Even though considered a spring blooming flower the plant seems to be holding up in scorching 100 degree heat.
The blessing with this flowering blue is that most always when planted it does not flower until the following season. Having said that, I felt privileged to have this lovely bloom appear with the first planting.
Next spring, early I am going to plant oodles of this favorite blue and yellow blossom!
I'm engrossed with the folklore tales and ancient stories that surround this delicate beauty of nature.

The forget-me-not flower lives on forever in my mind.

Enjoy caring and sharing summer days.


Jill 00 (Two hugs are better than one)


  1. I LOVE forget-me-nots,too, Jill! The other wonderful thing about them is they re-seed themselves so beautifully willy-nilly around the garden the next year! They always make me smile...

    Hope you have a beautiful day!


  2. Just catching up here, and had to say that I love forget-me-nots too! I only grew them for the first time last year. The blue/purple flowers are my favorites.



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